Friday, February 10, 2017

I Fun Home - A Family Tragicomic

Fun Home:

 A Family Tragicomic

The text “Fun Home - A family Tragicomic”, written by Alison Bechdel, is definitely a crucial proof that shows that a big work of literature is possible to see it captured in different kind of texts, even comics. This text, specially, allows conceiving several aspects that are pretty common in the real life; and during the first two chapters it is developed very curious items that make this work even more striking, such as: death, suicide, sexual orientation, family life, and father’s role inside the family.

Focusing on father’s role inside the family, it has been a very complex job that demands certain attitudes that grade a father as a bad one or a good one. In the book, page 22, Alison noticeably shows her estimation about her father’s role making inquiry if he was a good father; and it is very likely to believe that her answered was based on either the sexual orientation of him or the exaggerated behaviors towards them and his obsessions regarding cleanness and home’s ornamentation. However, these same behaviors lead me to reflect, since a personal way, whether he really was a bad father, because: does someone have to be a heterosexual man to be a good father? Surely, his relationships with teenagers were not justifiable; but my point is that even heterosexual people have their own mistakes, imperfections and weaknesses. It is just our duty as simple “human beings” that we are, to search our best version of ourselves and to minimize our evil or sinful part.

Anlly Gabriela Osorio Sánchez

Fun Home

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